So I do a lot of shopping on the internet and some things lend themselves nicely to finding what I want. Books on Amazon for instance.
But I like belly dance stuff. Clothing, cool jewelery, you know…stuff.
Anyways, I’m amazed at exactly how much time I have to spend sifting through crap to find what I want on say E-bay. I’m sure you’ve done it too. Google “black flare legged belly dance pants” in E-bay and see what happens.
Maybe you got something, but for me, using that exact phrase, I got exactly zero. That’s right. Nothing! Well how about “black belly dance pants”.
[Sigh]…I got 532 results. And Harem pants or a bloomer style isn’t exactly what I was really looking for. I see stuff that’s not black, or it’s predominantly black but also has some patterned fabric in it…etc. etc.
Anybody besides me irritated that sellers don’t tag their stuff with better keywords?!